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Fitness Blog |

Difference between Obesity and Overweight

We hear a lot about obesity these days. People look for easy and risky solutions that range from gastric bypass surgery tummy tucks, liposuction, starving and the inevitable plea for diet and exercise. We all know that in order to lose weight one should eat less and burn more calories but its easier said than…

How Women’s Fitness Differs From Men’s

Women’s fitness differs from men’s fitness like night differs from day. Therefore, achieving the fitness level desired requires a different approach. The main difference lies in the fact that men have an abundance of the male hormone testosterone, while women have an abundance of the female hormone estrogen. Muscle Building Men use weight training to…

Health Benefits from Papaya

Papaya has extraordinary qualities for digestive problems, avoids constipation, regulates digestive system and provides several vitamins and essential minerals for the organism. In the essential minerals papaya has we find sodium, calcium and potassium, also provides Vitamins A,B,C and D, as well as fiber that helps to eliminate fats and regulates the whole digestive system….

Stretch Marks and Diet

The occurrence of stretch marks does not occur all of a sudden, this is a result of the breakage of the elastic fibers of the skin. One of the main causes are drastic changes in weight which makes remain in the body. The appearance of stretch marks and permanence may be due to some deficiency in the diet which can cause lack of elasticity in the skin; If you plan to apply any treatment cream or oil, you must first reconsider your diet and an improvement in basing it this one on vitamins C, E, pantothenic acid (B5) and minerals such as copper and zinc. In…

Hydration and Weight Control

To reach the ideal weight our body must function properly and hydration plays a major role for the good performance because water is the major component of the body. Proportion should mantain so the body’s functions runs normally, from the skin hydratation until last step of the metabolism. Is important to clarify that water doesnt…

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