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Health Benefits from Papaya |

Health Benefits from Papaya

Papaya has extraordinary qualities for digestive problems, avoids constipation, regulates digestive system and provides several vitamins and essential minerals for the organism. In the essential minerals papaya has we find sodium, calcium and potassium, also provides Vitamins A,B,C and D, as well as fiber that helps to eliminate fats and regulates the whole digestive system.

Some elements we can find there we mention below:

  • Papain Enzyme: This is a proteolytic enzyme (intervenes in protein digestion)
  • Vitamin C: This is a fruit that contains it in major proportion. Its contribution is higher than citrics.
  • Provitamin A beta-carotene
  • Fiber: high proportions of this property.
  • Potassium and magnesium.
  • Folic Acid.
  • Carbo-hydrates: in inferior quantities, compared with other fruits.
  • Water: Major element of its composition.

Papaya is benefitial in the following conditions:

  • Protects the body of cardio-vascular system problems.
  • Improves digestive system’s health.
  • Protects against rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammations.
  • Papaya’s benefits are qutie extended due the antioxidants quantity that acts against aging in almost the whole body.

Produces a large amount of positive effects when ingested, but if you want to potentialize them it can be applied as poultices, masks or putting directly the fruit skin onto the skin. These properties are known on the fruit:

  • Anti-aging and rejuvenating: this can be done for the antioxidant action of its high contents of Vitamin C, beta-carotene and other essential amminoacids.
  • Anti-inflammatory: Mainly due the papaine action.
  • Healing: due its high contents of Vitamin C Helps to eliminate spots and skin opacity: possible due its powerful cellular healing effect.
  • Scrub and acne reducing.
  • Moisturizing.

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